Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

10 AM Deep and restful sleep last night. TO DO: attach labels to hats for Craft Fair. They have a bar code. There is one cashier for the whole outfit.

Blitzen's tale
Mom gets up in the morning and waves her arms around. What is this all about? She mutters something about tai chi and Bill says do it five minutes.
We went to dog park and those big ol busters wouldn't run with us. One of those busters was even afraid of us.

We went to dog park and I wore my long johns this time. Lots of big dogs but none to race with mine.

Lady Chica's Tale
I raced and raced a lot altho we couldn't get those big dogs to race with us. No bikes. No motorcycles.

Came home and took a nap. I was almost finished with my tags but I was not happy. I would not buy one of those hats. Finally I came to the model atthe bottom of the sack and I realized I had sewed the cuff on wrong. Now I have to take out seam and sew back on. I have one seam off. Two were models. That leaves 7.

Brent Jeffs, *Lost Boy*
I sat down and read this in an evening. Brent is the first lost boy to bring suit against Warren Jeffs, his uncle and the prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Brent talks about his childhood in a family with three wives and about 18 children. The third wife is 16. She asked to be married to get away from home, and she jumped from frying pan into the fire. She has to babysit nine kids while the two other mothers work cleaning houses. Money is tight. (If you want more insight into polygamous families, read the Bible. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers bc he was the son of the favorite wife.)
Brent's grandfather is Rulon Jeffs, the prophet. He gets rid of the Advisory Council and the sect becomes totalitarian. Eventually Warren Jeffs becomes prophet. His dictates get worse and worse. That is when the families begin throwing out the teen age boys. Warren gets rid of them directly or tells the families to kick them out.

Brent's family is eventually ex-communicated. Brent's fa is Warren's half bro and could be a threat to Warren. The third wife leaves. Then the second wife demands to live by herself and eventually the fa leaves his first wife, brent's mo.
Brent's family is atypical bc his fa served in Vietnam. His fa got out of the tight culture briefly. After Brent's older bro commits suicide, Brent finds a lawyer and begins to sue the trust fund. Warren controls communal property.
Eventually Warren is put in prison for conspiring to commit rape bc he forced marriage on a young women. And of course there was the raid on XYZ Ranch. brent thinks the raid was a good thing.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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