Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Roused at 9:30 by a phone call. Up and at em. Finally got my camera plugged in. Now to figure out how to use it. I have the software installed.
61 degrees this morning. I am still sleepy. Took anti-histamine last night. Cooked a crock pot of beans overnight. Now to put them in small containers and freeze.
I need to finish the hats I am making to sell at Senior Craft Fair next week. Next week!!! Yikes! I have the tags to attach. Each item has a tag with --- those lines that scan.
Looking forward to going to hear Morris Dees speak. He is a civil rights lawyer with Southern Poverty Law Center..

Reading about the latest in human evolution, I keep wondering why human females are the only females with hidden ovulation. I have never read anything about that. Anthropologists talk about that as one reason for human society to develop.
Female camels are stimulated my male pheronomes. In a caravan without bulls, females do not have esterus.

This evening went with Lea and John to hear at UTA Morris Dees who founded Southern Poverty Law Center. They are concerned with prosecuting hate groups. I expected a lecture on the increase in hate groups. Instead it was an inspirational sermon. Interesting. he talked about his successful cases.

Blitzten's Tale
When Uncle John came to the back yard to take us to the car I slipped out and got away. I was off and running. I chased the cat who jumped on my back and then climbed a tree. I was off across the street when Mom started the car. So I came back and got caught.

Lady Chica's Tale
Blitzen is so silly. I dont know why he has to run off. I dont ever want to get too far away from Mom.

Tony Hillerman, *Skinwalkers*, 1986
Navaho Tribal Police Procedural. Lt. Joe Leapman works with Jim Chee for the first time. Skinwalker is the Navaho name for "witch". The plot of this novel hinges on the belief in witches. The villain convinces people that other people are witches. The only way to undo a witchcraft is to kill the witch. Leaphorn and Chee are working on a series of homicides.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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