Monday, October 12, 2009

October 11, 2009

it's not vintage if you wore it the first time around.

Blitzen barked to go out to eat grass before he ate breakfast. 57 degrees ce matin.
I am planning to refresh my Spanish by reading children's books. I found the perfect book. It is *Jorge el Curioso*, written for English speaking children and has translations at bottom of page.

Met Judy at Wendy's and we had a great discussion about culture change. I was rehearsing my discussion on Marxism with Lea. I have decided that the US in the beginning was neither feudal nor capitalist. (Kenneth Galbraith has talked about the influence of free land on American culture.) People had subsistance farms. Even today one can homestead.

I grew up in Northern Michigan. When the Depression came, people moved "back home" (squated in a ghost town) and lived off the land.

The South was a feudal system and had castes. Black culture has never had free land nor independence.

So then we parted, went home and got the dogs and met again at the dog park.

Blitzen's Tale
Mom came home and took us to the dog park to meet old Szabo. Mostly I sat on the table. Szabo's mom had brot towels for us.

Lady Chica's Tale
Not much going at the dog park today. The big dogs were not interested in running the fence. Not many cars and stuff.

Took a long nap. Mostly reading.

Robert Tanenbaum, *No Lesser Plea*
Police procedural plus legal thriller. This is the first in the Butch Karp series. In this first novel Butch and Marlene get together. In 2009 their oldest daughter is out of college.
No mystery here. A killer gets caught and plays insane in court. he goes to a mental hospital for the criminally insane. It turns out he has killed about 50 people. He robs a convenience store, shoots the proprietor. Then he plants evidence on a junkie who OD's. This is the chase.

This first novel is much more realistic than Tannenbaum's recent novels. In this novel he is dissing the district attorney's office.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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