Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

The alarm rang at 10 AM. I was fifteen minutes late to Tai Chi which starts at 10:30. Next week I will set alarm earlier. I took two anti-histamines last night. I can smell but I am so sleepy.
Food Pantry day. Made a library run. I think I now have 17 books out. See, I requested books and they all came at once. I will make no more requests until I have no books out. I also pick up new books as I go out.
Then I took seventeen pairs of pants over to Bette H. They were part of what I scored from marilyn. I drove over and left them on her front porch. She lives in the wilderness on the banks of Lake Arlington. I hope nobody thinks they are trash.
Now I am so sleepy still. Temp is 73 degrees but hot in the sun.

I lay down to take a nap but couldn't get to sleep. Marilyn came by to ask for some of her pants back. Then the dogs got wild and we went to the dog park.
The dog park was full of people I had never seen before. One man sat down and engaged me in conversation and I never had a chance to read my book.
The dogs mostly chased along the east fence, the parking lot fence. On the big dog side people were setting up for Barktober Fest tomorrw.

I had a strange phone call last night. I answered the phone and the voice said "Press 1 if you want to hear about Capitalism". So I pressed one. The voice said, "Our country was founded on capitalism and we need to keep it strong."

Paulette: I heard on NPR a discussion that some orthodox rabbis have decreed that the sabbath elevators are not kosher.
Sabbath elevators go up and down, stopping at each floor, so that the passenger does no work.

Lady Chica's Tale
dog park was boring today. No big dogs. One bike went past. Lots of little dogs.

Blitzen's Tale
Ditto. Dog park was boring Lady Chica and I chased imaginary bikes.

Well, I lay down but I dont know if I slept. Waiting for the BBC movies on PBS

Tami Hoag, *Night Sins*
romantic mystery. Sandwiched between the romance is a neat mystery. A boy vanishes. After three or four days they begin to find pieces of his clothing with notes attached. "Ignorance is not innocance but SIN" I read the last chapter and I had a good idea of what all the clues meant.
When the thriller is too thrilling I read backwards.
The abductor kidnapped the boy to punish the boy's parents.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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