Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009

9 AM and i am ready to get up. I am practicing tai chi warmup moves.
Blitzen has taken to sleeping under the covers, down by my feet. Then when he gets up he drags all the covers off the bed. Living with Blitzen is such a chore. I could get rid of him, but he is so desparately dependent on me.

People say that dogs give unconditional love. I think what it is, is that they assume unconditional love. Or at least mine do.

Met Judy at Wendy's. Showed her one finished block from each of my two new quilts. She thinks they are beautiful.
The dogs expect to go to the park. The routine is that I come back from Wendy's and we go, but that is not going to happen today. Cold rain she is a fallin'.

I took a nap and woke with more energy. So off we went in the sprinkles. Surprise! Surprise! We were the only creatures about. Lady Chica spent the time running back and forth along the fence trying to get some parked cars to move. Blitzen wandered around. When I was ready to go, for the first time they played together. They often do thiswhen I am ready to go somewhere.

Blitzen's Tale
The dog park was just one big puddle today. It was kind of fun poking around smelling things. Things smell more in the rain.

Lady Chica's Tale
nobody would move today. Those old cars just sat there. Nothing was moving. No birds. No nothing. It was fun to be outdoors, though.

Deborah Crombie, *Necessary As Blood*
No idea what the title means. Police procedural. Gemma James and Duncan, police in London. duncan is with Scotland Yard. Gemma is called by a friend when the friend's friend does not show up for an appointment. Eventually the man's body is found. His wife had vanished three months before. So the manhunt begins. The murdered couple leave behind a small child, Charlotte, whom Gemma and Duncan will adopt in the next book in the series.
The woman victim is an artist in fabric collage. Gave me an idea for quilts. I have so many ideas and so little time. Well, I read mysteries rather than sew.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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