Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22, 2009

Up and off to tai chi. Then to Kroger to buy glue for scrapbook. All my glue has dried up. I am excited about what I am doing for scrapbook. Now for a nap. 1 PM

After my nap we went to the park. My dogs did not seem too excited. We stayed until 5:30 to avoid traffic which was in vain. We drove west to Riverside to get on 121. Somehow Beach St. was just plugged.

Blitzkreig's Tale
Nobody was eager to run. I just wandered around the park. I tried to socialize this little pup but everybody intervened. Nobody seems to understand that pups need to be straightened out.

Lady Xica's Tale
I was ready to come home. Mom dragged me through the agility mess. I dont know why she thinks I am going to do that voluntarily. She sat and read mostly. Ray was there and Marcie.

Diana Gabaldon, *Lord John and the Private Matter* (2003)
Lord John Grey was a minor character in the Outlander series. He was a teen ager in *Outlander*. His bro saved Jamie after Culloden. Lord John was the warden of a prison where Jamie and other "traitors" were incarcerated. He was gov of Jamaica in *Voyager*.

Gabaldon was asked to write a short story and a new series was born.
This story is set in 1757. Lord John is home between postings in France, in the Seven Years War between England and France. A soldier in his regiment is found beaten to death and Lord John is asked to investigate. (The regiment was raised by his bro.) His superiors think the man had been a spy.
I read this in 2003 and found it boring. Today I found it entriguing. Lord John is gay and his lover died at Culloden. His sexual orientation is always part of the story.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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