Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

9 AM I chugalugged a cup of coffee and we were off to the dog park. Temp was 83 degrees. With a stiff breeze blowing the park was pleasant. Dogs ran for half an hour. When they stopped running, I decided to come home.
I thot today was the Sunset Gardens monthly bday party (honoring all June bdays) but it is tomorrow. So I got my hair cut. I mean I had time to get it cut.
Beautician is from Costa Rica. Told her my daughter-in-law was from Costa Rica. Talked with a German war bride about English, learning English and such.

12:25 noon. I am sleepy. I will put a load of laundry in washer and take a nap.

3:30 PM I guess I slept three hours. And I dont have to go outdoors again until dark. It is only 91 degrees this aft.

10 PM And it is 90 degrees. How can that be? I watched MI5 on PBS.

Lady Chica's Tale
Mom dragged us off to the park before we had breakfast. We did some running. Then we spent the rest of the day lying around. Summer is so boooring. Mom wont open the door.

Blitzen's Tale
Mom dragged us off to the park before we had breakfast. Not many big busters there nor small ones either. Mom put me on time out once. Then I tried humping a little girl and she got out from under me.

Richard Rostak, *The Naked Brain*
I got only halfway through this non fiction book. Researchers are exploring "cognitive unconscious" whatever that means. Apparently most of what we do is motivated unconsciously. Then we make up stories about it. This is researched by means of brain scans.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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