Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009

Up at 8 AM and off to the dog park. The man came by picking up trash and dogs woke me. I found some weird ointment for stiffness and pain. It seems to be working, altho it may not be the variable.

We got to the park and guess who were there? the motorsickle cops. Blitzen dug under the fence and almost out three times. I think his harness caught on the fence and he had to back out.
Why is my dog the only one who wants out?
The dogs did get some exercise, chasing the cycles. I thot Blitzen would sleep all afternoon but he just seems wired. I did get a nap.
2 PM temp is 99 degrees and real feel 104. It is so hot. I have to change clothes from skin out every time I go outdoors. or rather come inside from outdoors. bc I am soaked with sweat.

I have been napping off and on all day. Finally I realized that we have a "red" ozone alert. That may be making me tired.

Lady Chica's Tale
When we got to the park, the parking lot was full of motorcycles and I had fun chasing back and forth. I got a big dog to chase for a few minutes. Came home and flaked out.

Blitzen's Tale
I almost made it out of that park three times. My harness got caught on the fence. The parking lot was full of motorcycles. Mom kept putting me on time out. She is so something or other. This is a family journall and can't say it.

W.E.B. Griffin, *The Saboteurs*
Series on OSS in WWII. The American gets with the mafia to infiltrate Sicily to prepare for that invasion in 1943. Many of the mafia are native Sicilians and they have been hunted by Mussolini in Sicily.
Meanwhile four Nazis infiltrate from a submarine off the coast of Florida. They wander around the US setting off explosions to create chaos.

Griffin's books are fantasy, in a way. Compare them with Norman Mailer's *The Naked and the Dead* which deals with same subject. Griffin's books are about the glory of war, not the horror. And none of Griffin's heroes has PTSD. Meanwhile I am reading two reality books, one about rescuing prisoners in the Phillipines and another about the Battle of the Bulge in Europe.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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