Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

Anniversary of D Day.
All the news is full of memories. I will add mine. I remember D Day. I was a coed at Michigan State College. ON campus were 3000 soldiers and 3000 coeds. Early in the spring I had stood at the window of my chem lab and watched the soldiers marching off to DDay. They marched down Farm Lane to the railroad station.
Soldiers had been in ASTP training as engineers. I had shared the drafting room with many on
Sat when we were finishing our drawings. Also pre pre flight guys. I had been dating one of them and he had gone off to flight school. I was dating an infantry man and he had gone off to storm Okinawa.
We all knew the guys were going to invade Europe. And they were the raw material who would storm the beach. the disposables All the guys expected to die. Writing this is the first time I have realized how much stress we were all under. Everybody knew the casualities would be high wherever the troops landed.
On D Day all classes were canceled and we went to church to pray.

Midnight. I may never get to bed. I have a volume with three Harry Bosch novels, the first three which are the back story.

10 AM Up and at em. I got to bed at 2. So I have had my quota of sleep. No dog park today. They are going to get walks. They just lie around the dog park on the tables. I am going to sew like mad. Chapters of my book for reward.

When we left the outside sign at the church read 87 degrees. As we were on our return journey Blitzen squirmed out of his harness and took off across the street and across the field. I was concerned that he would get hit by a car. But... he beat Chica and me back to the compound. he whizzed past as we entered the gate. he ran around and then let me ctch him by pretending to be so engrossed in something he didn't see me coming. it is good that he got some exercise.

Came home, pinned some, I am pinning the next strip on blocks. Two more finished, 43 to go. One thing that takes time is I have to scrounge around to find the next strip.
Took a nap. I wish NPR had some decent programs on Sat.

Took another nap. And so it goes.

Lady Chica's Tale
Mom said we are not going to the park today cuz all we do is lie around. I dont care really.

Blitzen's Tale
Well, I got a run in. I think I am getting older. I dont feel so much like running. I got out of that ol harness and took off.

Michael Connelly, *Brass Vercict*
Brass verdict is police slang for when a bad guy gets killed. Harry Bosch series with Michael Haller as defense lawyer. Lawyer is murdered and Haller inherits his case load. This book started slow and then I couldn't put it down.

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